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Bhairava Mudra

Bhairava Mudra Bhairava is commonly called to the fierce form of Lord Shiva. Bhairava Mudra made by placing the right hand on top of the left keeping the palms upward. The magic of this mudra is that diseases and ego remain out of the door when hands are kept in this position. Its immense effects are observed when practiced during meditation and pranayama. As per the Tantric texts, Bhairava mudra is called the ultimate mudra that is helpful in synchronizing the inner and outer self. This mudra should be practiced daily for 15 minutes three times a day in order to achieve below benefits.  Benefits of this mudra It balances both parts of hemisphere of the brain. It is useful for heart, stomach, liver, duodenum, gall-bladder, spleen, pancreas and kidneys. It alleviates the opposite forces occurring in the mind and body. It leaves incredibly soothing and instant relieving effects on anxiety, stress, and mood swings. This mudra also brings calm, peace, and inner stillness to realize the sen

NAG Mudra

Nag Mudra is very easy to do and can be done anytime of the day for 15 minutes.  It is very helpful to develop the physical strength of the body.  It helps to relieve the stress and tension of the mind and makes you relax. It helps to make your gloomy mind active as it brings clarity in the mind. I request the readers to practice this mudra and express their experiences in the comment below.

Surabhi Mudra

 Surabhi Mudra stimulates the third chakra of our kundalini. Our third chakra is called as Manipura  chakra which is connected to our Solar plexus. It enhances our creativity and self-esteem. It is also beneficial to balance our digestive and metabolic system of our body. It detoxifies the system and is Tridosha Nashak. So it cures the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It calms all the aggravations of the body. It activates the excretory system by improving the circulation of fluids and their filtration process. It balances all the paanch bhutas of the body. Experience: In my experience, I had made this mudra practiced to hundreds of people to whom I came in contact with; whether they are connected in journeys or be my friends, colleagues and well wishers. I had seen that, on practicing this mudra, acidity gets pacified instantly and also seen the improvement in digestive issues if surabhi mudra is practiced for a year or so.   Steps to do : This mudra looks complex but can be easily done if brok

Bhujang Asana

Bhujang Asana is also called the 'Cobra Pose' offers the wealth of benefits to body, mind and soul. It physically impacts the frontal and posterior planes from chin to toes. It brings positive changes in the functioning of internal organs and brings emotional wellbeing.  It's my experience as I practice it daily that it brings: Anxiety Relief Good Digestion Strength & Flexibility Reduces Backache Soothes Sciatic Pain Awakens Kundalini  Does Chakra Balancing Steps to perform Bhujang Asana Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other Place your hands under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close your torso Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands Hold the position in Cobra Pose for atleast 30 seconds a

Varun Mudra

Varun mudra is effective to increase water element in the body. Due to its impact on a Jal element in the body, it is also called as a jal-vardhak mudra. Water is the major component in  Kapha  and Pitta  Dosha .The practice of this mudra helps to increase Kapha and  Pitta within the body. Our body has 75 per cent of water which plays major role in every activity of our health system as it  is present in protoplasm of cells,extracellular fluid, lymph, blood, tears,saliva,mucus,digestive,juices,enzymes,hormones, semen,cerebrospinal fluid. But beware, person who has cough or acidity needs to practice this mudra not more than 20 minutes. Experience: I describe here one of my experiences here out of many beneficiaries from this mudra. One of my friend is suffering from premature greying of hairs from long time.                      We met in a friends get- together and just doing chit chat. In the discussion, just erupted the talk of how to solve the problem of greying hairs

Shunya Mudra

Shunya mudra, also known as Akash Shamak Mudra, as it decreases (Shamak) space (Akash) element in our body. It is a curative mudra mainly balances the excess of space element in our body. The word Shunya indicates space (openness). This mudra controls the space element in our body, therefore, it is known as Shunya mudra. Shunya mudra includes the practice of middle finger which refers to ‘sky‘ or ‘heaven’ therefore it is also called Heaven Mudra. Experience: I describe here one of my experiences here out of many beneficiaries from this mudra. One of my relatives is suffering from tinnitus from long time.                      One day, he discussed this issue with me. I advised to practice this mudra every day for  45 minutes whenever, he is free and himself has found the surprising results in 3 days that his tinnitus has reduced by 80%. Steps to do: Bend the middle finger so that its tip rests on the mount of your thumb. Bend your thumb until it presses lightly on the midd