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Prana Mudra

Prana mudra is one of the highly beneficial mudras which can be done to improve the flow of oxygen and positive energy inside the body and all its organs. It also helps the anti-aging of the body. It helps to stimulate the blood circulation and immune system of the body. Experience: I describe here one of my experiences here out of many beneficiaries from this mudra. One of my friend was suffering from sexual debility from a long time, also tried many different types of remedies but couldn't able to find the effective solution. One day, he discussed this issue with me. I advised to practice this mudra every day for 30 minutes whenever, he is free and himself has found the surprising results in 3 months that his marriage life had come back to normal.   Steps to do: Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath. Bring your hands up to your sides. Touch the tips of your ring finger and little finger to your thumb. The index and middle should be pointed straight. Be

Apana Vayu Mudra

Apana vayu mudra is one of the highly beneficial mudras which can be done by anyone easily with some alertness in mind and can experience the results in short period. In my consultation to many people with several disorders as mentioned below, prescribing this mudra to them shown high benefits in their life. But to gain those benefits, people had trusted our ancient health science and practiced the mudra diligently.  These mudras stimulates our nervous system and send relevant impulses to brain which is very much similar to how action of medicine sends message to brain. Then, brain takes action for relevant part of our body to heal them. Because, our brain is so intelligent that, even practicing same mudra has the ability to heal different health issues of the body, as they are connected to same underlying issue. Experience: I was travelling by a train and one passenger, sitting opposite to me was facing severe backache. When I had discussed for few minutes, I come to know,

Gyan Mudra

I am practising Gyan mudra from last 30 years and found several benefits from it in my health. I thought to share my some experiences with you so it may benefit to you at some point of life. In my days of studies,   I have issue of lack of concentration while studying. Normally mind starts thinking of something else while reading science or languages. At same time, I normally forget the things at the time of examination. My grandfather told me to do gyan mudra, and to my surprise after doing this for 9 months, my both issues got resolved. Thereafter, I never left to practise this mudra till now.  In my office work, I work constantly on PC for 6-7 hours at a stretch. Because of Gyan Mudra, I never suffered from Syringomelia, which is common now-a-days in 60% of desktop users. Another example: My colleague had undergone a huge loss in his personal life and remained depressed, used to forget things; suffered from loss of enthusiasm and getting afraid from su