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Apana Vayu Mudra

Apana vayu mudra is one of the highly beneficial mudras which can be done by anyone easily with some alertness in mind and can experience the results in short period.
In my consultation to many people with several disorders as mentioned below, prescribing this mudra to them shown high benefits in their life. But to gain those benefits, people had trusted our ancient health science and practiced the mudra diligently. 

These mudras stimulates our nervous system and send relevant impulses to brain which is very much similar to how action of medicine sends message to brain. Then, brain takes action for relevant part of our body to heal them.
Because, our brain is so intelligent that, even practicing same mudra has the ability to heal different health issues of the body, as they are connected to same underlying issue.


I was travelling by a train and one passenger, sitting opposite to me was facing severe backache. When I had discussed for few minutes, I come to know, he was also suffering from cervical spondolysis and high blood pressure. He was irritated by continuous medicines and neck belt.
I advised him to do the Apana vayu Mudra for 3 months and shared my email with him to give his feedback after 3 months.
To my surprise, after 45 days, he replied with happiness and excitement that he got freedom from neck belt, backache was disappeared and even dosage for High blood pressure medicine had gone down.

Steps to do: 
  • Sit down comfortably in Padma Asana or Lotus Pose
  • Breathe gently through your nostrils
  • Now touch the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the tip of your thumb. Your little finger should point straight out.
  • This Mudra should be held for a period of 10 -15 minutes at any time. If it is practiced for 30 – 45 minutes along with meditation at morning can give optimum results.

Benefits of Apana Vayu Mudra:

Following diseases will not happen and if happened will be cured to the practitioner of Apana Vayu Mudra:

  1. Backache
  2. Cervical Spondolysis
  3. Lumbago
  4. High Blood Pressure
  5. Osteoarthritis
  6. Chorea
  7. Coldness of Body
  8. Tremors
  9. Angina Pectoris
  10. Chest Pain
  11. Anuria
  12. Dysuria
  13. Piles
  14. Painful / Burning Urine
  15. Headache
  16. Heart Pain / Mild Cardiac Attack
  17. Palpitations
  18. Arthritis
  19. Gout
  20. Joint Pain
  21. Tennis Elbow
  22. Kidney Issues
  23. Toothache
  24. Hiccups
  25. Parkinson’s Disease
  26. Trigeminal Neuralgia
  27. Varicose Veins
  28. Frozen Shoulder
  29. Shoulder Pain / Stiffness
  30. Coldness in Skin
  31. Abdominal Pain
  32. Appendicitis
  33. Flatulence (Gas)
  34. Gall Colic
  35. Nausea
  36. Burning or pain in throat
  37. Neck Pain / Stiffness
  38. Heel Pain
  39. Any painful conditions in body


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