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Dharmachakra Mudra

Dharma chakra mudra should be done every morning for 15 minutes after doing the pranayama. This mudra calms the mind of the practitioner, encourages positive attitude and enhances your concentration power.

How to do it

  • Sit in a comfortable position on chair or at floor, preferably in siddhasana or padmasana
  • Touch the thumb with index finger of both hands
  • Then, touch the largest finger of left hand to the thumb of right hand as shown in figure above for 15 minutes
  • Chant Om or concentrate on your eyebrow while doing this mudra for 15 minutes
  • Complete your mudra by chanting Om Shanti 3 times and release the mudra
  • Relax yourself for 2 minutes and engage in your daily life
Kindly post your experiences after practicing's this mudra for a month atleast to see the results.


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